Doina Lovanel Spineanu

Published on 6 February 2025 at 14:17

My name is DoinaIovănelSpineanu and I am from Romania. I am a writer, editor, painter, journalist and literary editor. I am a member of the Romanian Writers' Union, a member of the Association of Romanian Journalists Worldwide (AJPR), based in Quebec, Canada, a journalist at RadioTV - "Unirea" (the RadioTV station of Romanians in Austria), editor of the magazine "Unirea", from Vienna, a member of the Association of Visual Artists "RomulLadea", from Timișoara and the Association of Visual Artists from Cluj. I graduated from the Faculty of Philology, at the West University, in Timișoara, and I was a Romanian language teacher. So far,I have published 58 books(from almost all literary genres), for adults andchildren alike. These books comprise all literary genres- lyrical, epic (novels for adults and teenagers, stories, essays), drama (theater plays for children and teenagers), memorialistic (monograph).


For all of these books, I personally made the covers, drawings and graphics. I also personally published most of my books.For my debut book – “Variations on the Theme of Lamentation” – poems, published in 1999, at the “Eminescu” Publishing House in Bucharest, I received an impressive letter of congratulations and blessing from His Holiness, Pope John Paul II; for my book “Sentimental Monograph”, I received an honorable letter of congratulations and thanks from His Majesty, King Michael I of Romania. As a writer, I was invited to launch one of my poetry books – “Flower Fantasy”, at “Casa Europei” in Paris and at the Clamart City Hall, as part of the Franco-Romanian Intercultural Festival, to which I took part as aHonorary Ambassador (in the spring of 2019). Later on, in France still, in Nice, I launched another book of poetry – “Window to Autumn”, during the painting exhibition at the Tchaikowski Gallery, in September 2023. As a children's writer, I was invited, with the occasion of “International Children's Day”, from June 1st, to present my children's books, in Austria, at the Romanian Cultural Institute in Vienna, and in Serbia, la Majdanpekduring beautiful and extensive cultural events which took place in the midst of numerous Romanians residing there.


In Romania, we had numerous book launches and meetings with readers.These events, as well as the countless meetings with readers from Romania, have brought me great spiritual satisfaction. Among the many diplomas I have received for my cultural-artistic activity, one of them in particular,  hashonored and motivated me in a very special way. This was the "Anniversary Diploma, for the promotion of Romanian cultural and spiritual values, in the world", awarded by RadioTv "Unirea", from Vienna, in the imposing Imperial Hall, in the Old City Hall, in Vienna, during the festive events, organized on the occasion of December 1st (Romania’s National Day). Then, another important diploma for me, one that holds great sentimental value, is the "Diploma of Gratitude, received as a sign of great appreciation, for the contribution made, for the involvement in the actions and projects of the Club and for the promotion of Rotary ideals", awarded by the Rotary Alba Iulia Civitas SolisClub. As a painter, I’ve had numerous exhibitions and have taken part in symposiums and art camps, within the country and abroad, receiving diplomas and certificates of international artistic acknowledgement. As a promoter of the Romanianculture,but of international culture as well, I was appointed Director for Romania, of the International Festival of Lusophone Culture"6Continents", in 2015 and 2016, (appointment made by Mr. Philippe Larsen, a cultural personality from Portugal).


 Then, I was named Honorary Ambassador of the Franco-Romanian Culture Festival, "Loves, Exiles and Eternity", held in France (Paris and Clamart) between April 7th and April 15th, 2019, within the broader framework of the Franco-Romanian Cultural Season. This year, I had the great honor of being appointed Ambassador for Romania of an important International Organization of Writers –„ Capital Writers International Foundation”, by the President of this organization, Mr. Preeth Padmanabhan Nambiar.


Painting and graphics exhibitions – from 2012 to today:

Exhibitions abroad:

- Personal exhibition, at the "Multika" Cultural Society, Vienna (Austria); - Collective exhibition, in the locality of Kavadarci, Macedonia; - Collective exhibition, at the Prado Goyart Gallery, in Madrid (Spain); - Collective exhibition, at the Ingo Seufert Gallery, in München, Germany (01.2019); - Collective exhibition, in Setubal, Portugal (11-24.01.2019); - Collective exhibition, in Toledo (Spain), at ConventosCapuchinosEsquivitas, on the occasion of the celebration of International Women's Day (8 March 2019); - Collective exhibition, in Barcelona (Spain), at Arteria, as part of the International Art Festival, 4 May 2019; - Collective exhibition, in Paris, Galerie Artes, July 5, 2019; International virtual exhibition, organized by Mr. Anant Vikas Jain, within the Goa-India cultural festival.


Exhibitions and participation in virtual international art blogs, followed by the conferment of artistic attestation certificates:

International Virtual Exhibition organized by Mr. Anant Vikas Jain in Goa-India cultural festival; YouTube video

Creation of a plastic artist page in the Italian culture and art blog - "Mille piroiette";

Virtual exhibition entitled - "Woman.Life.Freedom!" organized in South Korea by Michael Kazemi, receiving a certificate of international recognition of my participation in the said exhibition.

Virtual exhibition with the title - "ContemporaryPaesaggi" in the Italian art group - InsiemeVirtualmente

Here are the works, voltis and names of the first artists selected per

Contemporary Landscapes - Virtual art exhibition:

Silla Campanini / Elisa MariaCampisi / Carla Colombo / Francesca Gagliano / OfeliaHuțul / NataliiaKulikovska / LivioLopedoteE / Simona Rea / Edilberto Sierra / Doina IovănelSpineanu / AlessioTavoletti / Nelly Vass. YouTube video

My participation in another international art blog titled "Arte" by Rebeca Artblogger.

International virtual exhibition organized by the Art Association - "Sociedad Artistica De Magnos Eventos Internacionale",from Chile, with the conferment of a certificate of attestation as an international artist.

Exposición de MagnosEventosinternationales y Baricharte international de Croatia.


Exhibitions in Romania:

- 2 collective exhibitions - "Dream paintings", at the Palace of the Parliament, in the "Constantin Brâncuşi" Hall - Bucharest; - Personal exhibition - "Autumn Harmonies", at the "DimitrieGusti" National Museum, in the "Hall of Mirrors" - Bucharest; - 2 personal exhibitions - "Remembering" and "Lights and shadows", at the Metropolitan Library - Bucharest; - Personal exhibition, at the Art Museum - DrobetaTurnu Severin; - 2 personal exhibitions, at the CastelulArtelor – DrobetaTurnu Severin; - Collective exhibition, at the Castello delle Arti - DrobetaTurnu Severin; - Traveling exhibition, through the big cities of Romania; - Collective exhibition – Cluj-Napoca; - Collective exhibition, at the "Toma Caragiu" Theater – Ploiesti; - Personal exhibition - "Beyond the gaze", at the County Museum, Gorj - Tg.Jiu; - Collective exhibitions, in the Fields of painting, by Cavnic (Baia Mare), Mărișel (Cluj), Neo Vrasna (Greece), Valișoara ("CastelulTemplierilor" (Alba), Kavadarci - Macedonia); - Collective exhibition, House of Culture, Timișoara; - Group exhibitions, in the Picture Gallery, Therezia Bastion, Tmișoara. - Collective exhibition, in Timișoara, in the "Armia" hall, May 9, 2019. - Collective exhibition, in Cluj-Napoca, May 9, 2019.


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